Step 2: What To Expect From The 90 Days
(open up slide 1 to begin recording on loom)-Welcome to the beginning of the onboarding program, id like to start by framing what you can expect from this partnership, what y we expect from you, and what you can expect from us. As well as the emotional side of this process. Its clear to us as we have seen it so many times at this point, but you may have never been through this process within your business, so i feel it is beneficial to share the emotions most people go through throughout the process of setting up efficient and profitable google/facebook advertisements for your business. lets get into it
(change to slide 2)- The first chunk of time, exact time frame is definitly arbitrary, but gives a beneficial tangible idea, but ya the first 20 days or so, the initial phase most people are super excited, were most likely getting the first ads out, multiple campagns and ad groups/ads are going to be created, getting audiences dialed, formulating a good message out to ideal customers/clients. day 20-40, most people start to feel some doubt as its a pretty boring time from the business owners perspective. In this time frame most of our time/work is occupied by split testing different audiences, demographics, keywords, creatives, ad copy, offers etc to find the most profitable combination of all of these factors so that in the net phase we can scale that. we could come out the gate blasting ad spend at every and any random combination, but that is not in your best interest, it is in your best interest we take the neccessary time and experimentation to find what is really going to perform for you and make you some serious profit. People often start to doubt maybe facebook ads or google ads just arent good for them, maybe it isnt able to reach their target customers in the way it needs too. maybe the return just isnt great enough to justify the venture, maybe the economy just isnt doing well enough currently. So many random doubts that are completly understandable, but dont worry if we accepted you as a client, we are very confident we are going to get you serious results, its totally normal to doubt yourself just before you accomplish something you have never done before, its human nature. Good news, the next phase, normally day 40-60 you start to notice revenue and customers being brought in from the ads, you start to see that yes it does indeed work for your business, for your ideal clientel. You start to see how this could be scaled bringing in some serious numbers/customers/leads for you and your company. Day 60-90 your campaigns are profitable with a good return on ad spend you got a big smile on your face we have gotten you to the point where you want to be and where we said we could get you. then we enter 90 days+, everything after the initial 90 day period. This period your marketing, from your perspective, is now automated. Like You dont have to worry about is like when you have a good landscaper, you dont really worry about when they are coming or what they are going to do, that is as long as they are good of course, you just know they are going to do what needs to be done, you dont really have to check in on them much and you are happy with the result! This is now your marketing, this is an awesome place to be in, when you dont really have to personally worry about bringing leas/customers into your business or getting traffic to your offer. So you can focus on what you need to do. obviously theres still constant work and adjustment going on on our end, and you may want an increase or decrease in the amount coming in which were able to adjust for, but its no longer occupying your time or mental space. This isnt the same for every single business, or business owner, some this entire process goes Much faster, but we want to set an expectation we know at the least we can meet, if not exceed.
(change to slide 3)-What this program includes
(change to slide 4)-Campaign set ups: within your facebook/google ad manager/account-
Creation, Design, and Optimization of ads: including ad copy and creative-basically the copy wich is all the text/writing in any ads we create, and the creative being images/videos to use for ads, at times we will need certain images/videos from you, simple things like images of your team at work, examples of previous jobs done, etc things like that, and occasionally a video, but dont worry it is infrequent that we use video, if it does seem to be the best decision we will lay out a-z exactly what you need to say/do in the video, and make it very easy on you.
Campaign Testing: testing variable associated with performance of campaigns (demographics, copy, audience, creative, keywords/negative keywords offers, bids, etc. its this constant testing and experimentation that sets us apart from our competitors and will allow us to dominate your market
Retargeting: If applicable to the strategy we go about to get your company the best results: retargeting is a very effective tool to use, but only under certain advertising strategies, and we provide a unique solution for each client to do what is best for THEM taking into account their goals, budgets, etc.
Campaign Optimization: Constant analyzation and improvement for the highest ROI ads
Monthly Performance Reporting: Keeping you in the loop on the performance/progress of your campaign and getting guidance behind where you would like to steer it. well go over things like ad spend, results of said ad spend, relevance and level of interest of people caught by the ad etc. how these numbers shift around and why and what we plan to do to make them better. Just keeping you in the loop.
(change to slide 5)-what this program does not include
(change to slide 6)-
Web Development/Alteration or Landing Page Creation-if we have access to edit your website and see a simple grammar error while were in there we are happy to just go ahead and fix it, and have plenty of experience in the world of web developement etc, that being said this package does not include web design services, we do not offer those services although if some of our clients have a specific need for something in this realm, reach out via slack and well let you know if we can help and how much it would cost.
Email Marketing, SEO, Graphic Design/Logo Design...
Ad comment management-when a facebook ad is made often times people are able to comment on the ad simillar to how they would a standard post. we do not manage/reply to these comments as we occupy our time focusing on the things that will get you results, but you are free to reply to this within your facebook business manager, this is only relevant if we are running facebook ads for your business
Social Media Creation
Social Media Strategy/Growth/Management
(change to slide 7)-How to make this a great partnership
(change to slide 8)-
Ask Questions! Is hard to fully believe in something you don’t
Understand. If you are curious, or confused about some
aspect of our partnership or your campaigns were running
ask us! We’re happy to fill you in!:-its understandable why you would have doubts and negative emotion to a process you have never been through or dont understand, worriful etc. When you dont understand what were doing, why were doing it, and why it works again and again and again for hundreds of thousands of businesses in the US just like yours(when were talking about services offered, size/scale, etc.) when you ask questions and understand you will be much more sound throughout this process and know why we are so confident in what we do.
Unplug Emotion: In the same way a financial advisor works best when he has trust from his clients, we work the same! There will be times where you might worry about whether these types of ads are going to work for your company. If you are watching this slideshow/video we already know that this will work for you, if we put ourselves in a position where its difficult to get our clients results, we are the ones who have to pick up the slack. there is a good reason why we know exactly who our potential clients are, and are not. Most marketing companies start and play with other people money to learn the world of online marketing and how to do it profitably. Optimal media is one of my 3 companies i own, the other two of which i have been successfully scaling and running ads for in the home service niche for years now. I learned with my money and know and understand the perspective of my now home service business owner clients, as i have been in the same boat luckily finding my way to getting my businesses marketing dialed, which luckily now is one of my businesses offering to other similar companies with the expertise ive developed in the fire over years of trial and error with my own money and my own companies. This is a proven system that works well.
Be Open to New Ideas: We have been through this process many times and know what works. That being said, you always have the final say.
Be Responsive: any cog in the operational conveyer belt will slow down how quick it is to get you results.
Optimal Media/Cory Roland LLC/202019910262
All Rights Reserved